About Me

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Stay at home mommy that works 7 days a week slaving for my children. I'm their chauffeur, meal preparer, major care taker and anything else they decide they need. For those who don't know, being a mommy is a full time job, at times a very rewarding job, not always though. When the rugrats are into something there not supposed to be every two minutes, those are the days you don't enjoy. But I love them, when their not being little devils. Well sometimes even then.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Amara's birthday, Halloween and such

Well as promised I'm going to get a video up of Amara demolishing her birthday cake, it was very funny. Everyone in the room was laughing so hard! And some pictures of Amara in her Halloween costume. Not much new going on with me. Getting excited to move back home. Probably going in January. Well that's all for now.

Well can't get the video to load so I'll try again later.

1 comment:

  1. for the life of me since they changed the page for typing to blogs I can not get my own videos to load. the best I can figure is to put them on youtube and then embed the video using the html tab on the new post page. Good luck!
